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We THANK YOU for your support of our ministry to women in prison as we encourage them through our letters sharing the HOPE they can find in the Lord!
Volunteers Needed
Praise God we are growing in the numbers of ladies being reached through our letter & book ministry! We need MORE volunteers and support staff to assist us in several areas. Visit our Volunteer page to sign up for more information.
Recent News
Pray about GIVING your YEAR END DONATION to Letters of Hope Ministries and helping us reach more women inmates with the gospel.
NCCW's first cohort of students completed the yearlong Persevere program equipping them with high-demand job skills!
Read Janelle's story as she shares her journey to becoming a letter writer for LoHM!
We believe that everyone deserves a second chance, and sometimes all it takes is a kind word to brighten someone's day. That's where you come in. Whether you are a seasoned writer or just looking to give back in a meaningful way, there are so many ways you can get involved with Letters of Hope Ministries during this special time of year.